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Player > Augmentations > Necrografts > Grave Wind, Mk 3

Grave Wind, Mk 3

Starfinder Adventure Path #03: Splintered Worlds (Dead Suns 3 of 6) p.43, Starfinder Armory p.96

Level: 12
Price: 30000
System: Lungs

Mk 1Filth fever
Mk 2Cackle fever
Mk 3Devil chills
Mk 4Demon fever
Mk 5Mummy rot
A grave wind necrograft replaces the recipient's lungs with black, undead lungs that can still pump air and oxygenate blood but are also able to exhale a diseased miasma. As a standard action a number of times per day equal to the necrograft's mark, the recipient can expose an adjacent creature to a necromantic disease. The disease inflicted depends on the model of the grave wind, as indicated in the table above.
These necromantic diseases act as the normal diseases of the same name (see page 418 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook), except for the following. The save DC is determined by the necrograft and its recipient. No wound or actual transfer of air is necessary for the disease to affect a target; even someone in armor with its environmental seals active can be exposed. A creature infected with such a disease is not a carrier, so it can't pass the disease on to other victims. Creatures immune to death effects are immune to these diseases, and any bonus a creature has to saving throws against death effects applies to saves against these diseases (however, the diseases don't count as death effects for other purposes, such as raise dead).

Grave Wind, Mk 11200LungsDS03 p.43, ARM p.96
Grave Wind, Mk 264000LungsDS03 p.43, ARM p.96
Grave Wind, Mk 418350000LungsDS03 p.43, ARM p.96
Grave Wind, Mk 520775000LungsDS03 p.43, ARM p.96

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