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Player > Augmentations > Necrografts > Phantom Basal Ganglia, Mk 4

Phantom Basal Ganglia, Mk 4

Starfinder Armory p.96

Level: 18
Price: 350000
System: Brain

A phantom basal ganglia merges the shattered essence of a restless spirit with a living brain. The resulting mind is able to resist mental influence and control. You add the necrograft's mark as a bonus to saving throws against mindaffecting effects.
A phantom basal ganglia of mk 3 or higher gives a chance of shaking off mind-affecting effects. One round after failing a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, or if the effect has any partial effect even with a successful save, you can attempt a new save against the same DC (this takes no action). If you succeed, the effect is removed entirely. If the mind-affecting effect already allows a second saving throw, you receive only one additional saving throw on the following round.

Phantom Basal Ganglia, Mk 11200BrainARM p.96
Phantom Basal Ganglia, Mk 264000BrainARM p.96
Phantom Basal Ganglia, Mk 31230000BrainARM p.96
Phantom Basal Ganglia, Mk 520775000BrainARM p.96

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