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Player > Equipment > Companions > Creature List > Yasakaja

Yasakaja LEVELS 1-20

Starfinder Alien Archive 3 p.147

Large animal
Senses blindsense (vibration) 60 ft.
Good Save Ref; Bad Save Fort, Will
Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee Attack mandibles (P; critical corrode)
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Ability Modifiers Dex, Str

Special Abilities

Agile Mount (Ex) While mounted on your yasakaja companion, reduce the DC of Survival checks to fast mount or dismount, leap, or spur mount by an amount equal to the yasakaja's level (to a minimum of 0).
Mandibles (Ex, 5th level) When a yasakaja scores a critical hit against a living creature with its mandibles attack, the naturally occurring acid in its saliva seeps into the wound, imposing the corrode (1d4) critical hit effect. A 10th- to 14th-level yasakaja's corrode deals 2d4 damage, and a 15th-level or higher yasakaja's corrode deals 4d4 damage. This is a poison effect.

Just how big is a yasakaja creature companion, anyway?
A yasakaja is a Large creature with a space of 10 feet.


Native to the jungles of the isolated continent of Ukulam on Castrovel, yasakajas are furred quadrupeds with four eyes, a fox-like tail, and enormous, insectile mandibles. Yasakajas are known for being sturdy mounts with great endurance and superb mobility.

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