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Player > Items > Technological > Domestic drone, deckhand

Domestic drone, deckhand

Starfinder Armory p.101

Level: 4
Price: 2000
Bulk: 6
Capacity: 20; Usage: 1/hour

This Small drone is designed to provide basic assistance aboard a starship or other large vessel, including supplemental computation for navigation or astrogation. Most deckhand drones resemble a squat box with stubby, clawed feet that allow it to keep its orientation in zero-g. A deckhand drone acts as the stealth drone of a 1st-level mechanic, except it has the climbing claws and tool arm (fire extinguisher) mods instead of the stealth drone's normal initial mods. If an activated deckhand drone is accessible to a creature attempting a Piloting check to navigate, that creature reduces the time needed to plot a course by half (generally from 10 minutes to 5 minutes). Its skill unit is Computers. A deckhand drone has 6 bulk.

Domestic drone, elite deckhand101800061001/hourARM p.101

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