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Player > Items > Technological > Grenade scrambler, mk 1

Grenade scrambler, mk 1

Starfinder Armory p.103

Level: 1
Price: 250
Bulk: 1
Capacity: 20; Usage: 5/round

When activated as a move action, this unit emits a wireless signal that interferes with the detonation sequence of grenades within 30 feet. Grenades that would successfully land at an intersection in the area have a 50% chance to miss, and any grenade that targets an intersection in the area and misses lands 1d6 squares away (instead of 1d4). A grenade scrambler affects only grenades whose item level is equal to or lower than its own level. If an affected grenade's level is at least 5 levels lower than the grenade scrambler's, it automatically misses.

Affects grenades with an item level of 1 or lower.

Grenade scrambler, mk 2421001405/roundARM p.103
Grenade scrambler, mk 3893001405/roundARM p.103
Grenade scrambler, mk 412350001405/roundARM p.103
Grenade scrambler, mk 51616500011005/roundARM p.103
Grenade scrambler, mk 62081500011005/roundARM p.103

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