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Player > Items > Technological > Memory expunger

Memory expunger

Starfinder Alien Archive p.57

Level: 13
Price: 50000
Bulk: L

This metal-and-glass disk is 4 inches in diameter and has a small red button along its perimeter. By presenting the disk to a creature within 10 feet and pressing the button (all a standard action), you can erase the last 5 minutes of that creature's memory as per modify memory by introducing a series of flashing lights into its visual sensors that directly affects the brain. The creature can attempt a DC 20 Will saving throw to negate this effect. A creature currently being threatened by you or your allies receives a +4 circumstance bonus to the save. A creature that succeeds at the save is instead dazzled for 1d4+4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting sense-dependent effect.
A memory expunger uses a standard battery, and each use expends 5 charges.

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