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Player > Items > Technological > Pulse ray

Pulse ray

Starfinder Adventure Path #19: Fate of the Fifth (Attack of the Swarm! 1 of 6) p.44

Level: 2
Price: 600
Hands: 1
Bulk: L
Capacity: 20; Usage: 2

This small electronic device emits a high-frequency tone that can temporarily shock the nervous system of a creature that has telepathy or limited telepathy. Suskillon scientists use these devices to aid in capturing Swarm enemies alive in order to study them. Aiming and activating this handheld unit is a standard action, and you can target a single creature within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed at a DC 14 Will saving throw or be staggered for 1 round; a creature with limited telepathy gains a +1 circumstance bonus to this save.
A pulse ray requires only one hand to operate; it uses a battery, and each use consumes 2 charges.

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