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Player > Items > Technological > X-ray visor

X-ray visor

Starfinder Core Rulebook p.221

Level: 9
Price: 15000
Bulk: L
Capacity: 40; Usage: 1/round

This sensor is worn as an adjustable viewer resting over the eyes, like goggles or thick glasses. It sends out X-rays and interprets the information gathered as an image it imposes over your normal vision. This grants sense through (vision), though it is blocked by materials one-fifth as dense as those that block normal sense through (2 feet of wood or plastic, 1 foot of stone, 2 inches of common metal, or 1 inch of lead or any starmetal) and limits you to black-and-white vision while in use. You don't gain the benefit of any other special visual senses (such as lowlight vision) while the visor is active, and you can't attempt sight-based Perception checks beyond 60 f

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