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Player > Starships > Frames > Vermelith


Starfinder Alien Archive 2 p.131

Size: Large
Maneuverability: average (turn 2)
HP: 130 (increment 20); DT: 0; CT: 26
Mounts: forward arc (1 heavy, 1 light), port arc (1 light), starboard arc (1 light), aft arc (1 light), turret (1 light)
Expansion Bays: 7
Minimum Crew: 6; Maximum Crew: 20
Cost: 45

Special Abilities

Extreme Resistance (Ex) An EMP weapon has half its normal duration against a vessel built using this frame. The vessel has a +1 bonus to its AC against direct fire weapons that use gravity and a +1 bonus to Piloting checks the pilot attempts due to gravity, such as escaping a tractor beam. In addition, a biomechanical ship built from this frame treats its radiation exposure as 1 level lower when determining critical damage effects due to radiation.

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