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Player > Starships > Other > Expansion Bays > Drift shadow projector

Drift shadow projector

Starfinder Pact Worlds p.153

PCU: 5
COST (In BP): 15

Created by the Hellknights to aid them in capturing enemy vessels, this device creates an area of “Drift shadow” when activated. The Drift shadow extends out to a range of 10 hexes from the activating ship, and each vessel in this area treats the Drift rating of its engine as if it were 2 lower. If this reduces the engine’s rating to less than 1, that vessel cannot enter the Drift while in the shadow. Ships attempting enter normal space from the Drift into an area of Drift shadow are affected in the same way. Shadows created by multiple vessels stack, making it impossible for any ship to enter or exit the Drift.

NamePCUCost (In BP)Source
Drift shadow projector515PWD p.153

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