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Player > Starships > Other > Special Materials > Abysium Power Core

Abysium Power Core

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual p.22

Cost: +2 BP

A highly radioactive metal with a bluish-green glow, abysium provides exceptional conductivity and can store electric charges far more efficiently than more mundane metals such as copper.

A properly functioning abysium reactor produces far less waste than reactors that use other radioactive materials and doesn’t require extreme pressure to sustain nuclear reactions, but it’s hazardous when ruptured. An abysium power core increases the PCU it provides by 25% (maximum +50 PCU). However, if the power core takes critical damage, the starship’s occupants are subjected to radiation for 1 round of starship combat. This radiation is low if the power core gains the glitching condition, medium if it gains the malfunctioning condition, and high if it gains the wrecked condition.

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