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Player > Starships > Other > Special Materials > Noqual Armor

Noqual Armor

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual p.23

Cost: +4 BP

This green, lightweight crystalline starmetal is best known for its magic-dampening properties. Incorporating noqual into starships is a delicate process, as improperly installed noqual impairs that vessel’s magitech operations as often as it stymies enemy ships.

Noqual armor deflects magical attacks and absorbs ambient magic, complicating the actions of spellcasting officers on board. Treat the starship’s tier as 2 higher when determining the Mysticism DC of magic officer actions that use the armored starship’s tier to calculate the DC of Mysticism checks. Additionally, the starship’s AC and TL increase by 2 against weapons with the mystical special property.

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