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Player > Starships > Other > Special Materials > Noqual Sensors

Noqual Sensors

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual p.23

Cost: +2 BP

This green, lightweight crystalline starmetal is best known for its magic-dampening properties. Incorporating noqual into starships is a delicate process, as improperly installed noqual impairs that vessel’s magitech operations as often as it stymies enemy ships.

The scanning pulses emitted by a noqual-augmented sensor array can interfere with enemy diagnostics, particularly the functions of any magitech components. When a science officer uses the scan crew action and exceeds the check DC by 5 or more, they can choose to learn only one piece of information and instead scramble the other ship’s sensors, giving the sensors the glitching condition for 1 round for every 5 by which the Computers check exceeded the scan action’s DC.

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