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GM > Starship > Starship List > Vindicas Punisher

Vindicas Punisher TIER 7

Starfinder Near Space p.122

Large destroyer
Speed 10; Maneuverability average (turn 2); Drift 2
AC 22; TL 21
HP 170; DT —; CT 34
Shields medium 140 (forward 35, port 35, starboard 35, aft 35)
Attack (Forward) heavy laser array (6d4; 5 hexes), heavy laser cannon (4d8; 10 hexes)
Attack (Turret) coilgun (4d4; 20 hexes)
Power Core Pulse Orange (250 PCU); Drift Engine Signal Booster; Systems basic computer, budget short-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 6 armor, mk 6 defenses; Expansion Bays brig, cargo hold, guest quarters (2, common)
Complement 6 (minimum 6, maximum 20)


Captain Engineering +14 (7 ranks), gunnery +12 (7th level), Intimidate +14 (7 ranks), Piloting +14 (7 ranks)
Engineer Engineering +14 (7 ranks)
Gunners (2) gunnery +12 (7th level)
Pilot Piloting +19 (7 ranks)
Science Officer Computers +14 (7 ranks)


Punishers are fast and relatively sleek, allowing them to chase down high-value targets no matter where their prey flies.

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