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Player > Setting > Deities
Name | Alignment | Portfolios | Source |
Hylax - The Forever Queen | LG | diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace | CRB p.486 |
Iomedae - The Spirit of Golarion | LG | honorable battle, humanity, justice, valor | CRB p.487 |
Sarenrae - The Dawnflower | NG | healing, redemption, the sun | CRB p.489 |
Yaraesa - Lady of Wisdom | NG | knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science | CRB p.492 |
Desna - Song of the Spheres | CG | dreams, luck, stars, travelers | CRB p.484 |
Weydan - The Endless Horizon | CG | discovery, equality, exploration, freedom | CRB p.491 |
Abadar - Master of the First Vault | LN | civilization, commerce, law, wealth | CRB p.483 |
Talavet - The Storyteller | LN | community, self-reliance, tradition | CRB p.490 |
Eloritu - The Hidden Truth | N | history, magic, secrets | CRB p.485 |
Ibra - The Inscrutable | N | celestial bodies, the cosmos, mysteries of the universe | CRB p.486 |
Pharasma - Lady of Graves | N | birth, death, fate, prophecy | CRB p.489 |
Triune - The All-Code | N | artificial intelligence, computers, the Drift | CRB p.490 |
Besmara - The Pirate Queen | CN | piracy, space monsters, strife | CRB p.483 |
Oras - Agent of Change | CN | adaptation, evolution, natural selection | CRB p.488 |
Damoritosh - The Conqueror | LE | conquest, duty, war | CRB p.484 |
Zon-kuthon - The Midnight Lord | LE | darkness, envy, loss, pain | CRB p.492 |
Lao Shu Po - Grandmother Rat | NE | assassins, rats, spies, thieves | CRB p.487 |
Urgathoa - The Pallid Princess | NE | disease, gluttony, undeath | CRB p.491 |
Nyarlathotep - The Crawling Chaos | CE | conspiracies, dangerous secrets, forbidden magic | CRB p.488 |
The Devourer - The Star-Eater | CE | black holes, destruction, supernovas | CRB p.485 |
Angradd - The Forge-Fire | LG | dwarves, fire, tradition, war | CRB p.493 |
Arshea - Spirit of Abandon | NG | freedom, physical beauty, sexuality | CRB p.493 |
Black Butterfly - The Silence Between | CG | distance, silence, space | CRB p.493 |
Eldest - Lords of the Fey | N | First World | CRB p.493 |
Calistria - The Savored Sting | CN | elves, lust, revenge, trickery | CRB p.493 |
Groetus - God of the End Times | CN | empty places, oblivion, ruins | CRB p.493 |
Asmodeus - Prince of Darkness | LE | contracts, pride, slavery, tyranny | CRB p.493 |
Lissala - Scion of Seven | LE | duty, fate, obedience, reward of service | CRB p.493 |
Lamashtu - Mother of Monsters | CE | madness, monsters, nightmares | CRB p.493 |
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