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Player > Starships > Thruster
Ships rely on conventional thrusters to move between locations
in a system, to navigate the reaches of the Drift once they arrive
there, to explore, and to engage in combat They are designed
for ships of a specific size (specified in the Size column of the
table below), and they can’t be installed in a ship of an incorrect
size. The maximum speed of a starship’s thrusters either grants
a bonus or imparts a penalty to Piloting checks to fly the vessel,
as noted on the table below.
Thrusters are also used when landing on and taking off
from a planet. Large and smaller Starships generally have
little difficulty landing on and taking off from a planet with
low gravity or standard gravity (unless there are atmospheric
conditions such as high winds or storms). The GM determines
whether or not a starship’s pilot must attempt a Piloting check
to land a starship with a speed lower than 8 on a planet with
high gravity, with failure meaning it might crash. Due to their
sheer size, Huge and larger starships can’t land on planets, and
must use shuttles or other means to ferry crew and goods to a
planet and back.
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