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Player > Augmentations > Magitech > Force soles, mk 1

Force soles, mk 1

Starfinder Armory p.92

Level: 4
Price: 2260
System: All feet

Nodes in the soles of your feet project tiny fields of force energy when you intentionally step into thin air, allowing you to walk as if you were on solid ground as long as you are not encumbered, even in zero gravity. Ascending into the air is similar to walking up an incline. The maximum upward angle possible is 45 degrees, and you move at a rate equal to half your normal land speed. You can move your full land speed horizontally or up to 45 degrees downward. Unless you have mk 2 force soles, you must end your movement on the ground or you fall.

Force soles, mk 2810700All feetARM p.92

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