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Player > Starships > Other > Special Materials > Djezet Sensors

Djezet Sensors

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual p.22

Cost: +3 BP

This rust-colored, liquid starmetal guides magical energies much as copper guides electricity in a circuit. While it offers little benefit to a starship’s frame, its unique properties can enhance a starship’s sensors and improve its power efficiency.

Djezet-infused sensors can analyze supernatural auras and unseen magical currents, providing a more comprehensive view of a starship’s surroundings. Djezet sensors increase their range by 50%: short-range, medium-range, and long-range djezet sensors have ranges of 7 hexes, 15 hexes, and 30 hexes, respectively. Additionally, djezet sensors typically have a range of 375 feet on most planets, instead of 250 feet, though obstructions such as terrain might limit this range.

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