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Player > Items > Technological > Medical gear, advanced medkit

Medical gear, advanced medkit

Starfinder Core Rulebook p.220

Level: 5
Price: 2700
Hands: 2
Bulk: 1

Medical gear allows you to attempt Medicine checks and determines the DC of Medicine checks to treat deadly wounds. See the Medicine skill on page 143 for more information.

The advanced medkit adds more-advanced and specialized tools to diagnose and treat ailments. The advanced medkit can be used in the same way as a basic medkit, but the DC to treat deadly wounds is only 20, and you gain a +2 insight bonus to Medicine checks to treat drugs, diseases, and poisons. Additionally, you can use an advanced medkit to set up a temporary one-patient medical lab, though this requires 10 minutes. You can then provide long-term care to a single patient using the temporary medical lab, with a DC 30 Medicine check.

Medical gear, basic medkit110021CRB p.220
Medical gear, medpatch1501L11CRB p.220
Medical gear, sprayflesh54401L11CRB p.220
Medical gear, medical lab77000250CRB p.220

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