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Player > Weapon > Grenades > Diminisher grenade, mk 2 (Hybrid)

Diminisher grenade, mk 2 (Hybrid)

Starfinder Armory p.126

Level: 6
Price: 675
Range: 20 ft.
Capacity: Drawn
Bulk: L
Special: Explode (15 ft.; see text)

When a diminisher grenade explodes, it twists space-time enough to accelerate the duration of magic and other effects in the blast radius. Any existing effect that has a duration measured in rounds has its remaining duration reduced by 2d4 rounds. If this reduction drops the remaining duration to 0 or less, the effect ends.
A diminisher grenade affects only items and spells of the indicated level or lower or, for other effects, only those created by creatures with a CR or level equal to or lower than that listed.

Diminisher grenade, mk 1 (Hybrid)327020 ft.DrawnL Explode (10 ft.; see text)ARM p.126
Diminisher grenade, mk 2 (Hybrid)667520 ft.DrawnLExplode (15 ft.; see text)ARM p.126
Diminisher grenade, mk 3 (Hybrid)9210020 ft.DrawnLExplode (20 ft.; see text)ARM p.126
Diminisher grenade, mk 4 (Hybrid)12570020 ft.DrawnLExplode (20 ft.; see text)ARM p.126
Diminisher grenade, mk 5 (Hybrid)151700020 ft.DrawnLExplode (20 ft.; see text)ARM p.126
Diminisher grenade, mk 6 (Hybrid)185100020 ft.DrawnLExplode (20 ft.; see text)ARM p.126


Explosives have the explode special property, which lists the amount of damage the explosion deals, the damage type, special effects (with a duration, if necessary), and the radius of the explosion. When you attack with this type of weapon or ammunition, aim at a grid intersection. Each creature within the blast radius takes the listed damage but can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. If the explode special property has any special effects other than damage, they are negated with a successful saving throw. Some exploding weapons, such as smoke grenades, don't deal damage, so they don't include the damage and damage type entries.

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