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Player > Weapon > Range > Aurora cannon, proton

Aurora cannon, proton

Starfinder Armory p.41

Level: 17
Price: 258000
Damage: 15d4 E & F
Range: 120 ft.
Critical: Blind
Capacity: 40 charges
Usage: 2
Bulk: 2
Special: Aurora

The aurora cannon is a variant plasma cannon with holding chambers that overcharge the plasma generated within the weapon. The walls of these chambers are typically translucent, allowing a veiled view of the shifting plasma. The aurora cannon's modified plasma blasts cause creatures it hits to glow with a surprisingly beautiful aura, making it difficult for them to hide. Aurora cannons are categorized according to the primary composition of these auroras, from the hydrogen aurora cannon to the electron and proton models.

Two-handed WeaponsTypeLevelPriceDamageRangeCriticalCapacityUsageBulkSpecialSource
Aurora cannon, hydrogenHeavy531002d4 E & F100 ft.Blind40 charges22AuroraARM p.41
Aurora cannon, electronHeavy10182006d4 E & F120 ft.Blind40 charges22AuroraARM p.41
Aurora cannon, protonHeavy1725800015d4 E & F120 ft.Blind40 charges22AuroraARM p.41


The target must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or gain the blinded condition for 1d3 rounds.


You cannot see. You are flat-footed and take a –4 penalty to most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and to opposed Perception skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based on sight) automatically fail. You can't observe other creatures, which means (among other things) that you treat all creatures as having total concealment (50% miss chance; see page 253). You must succeed at a DC 10 Acrobatics skill check to move faster than half speed. If you fail this check, you fall prone. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them. Creatures that become blinded but that have a precise sense (see page 260) other than vision still automatically fail all checks and activities relying on vision, but they suffer none of the other effects.


When an aurora weapon strikes a target, the creature glows with a soft luminescence for 1 minute. This negates invisibility effects and makes it impossible for the target to gain concealment from or hide in areas of shadow or darkness.

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