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GM > Starship > Starship-Scale Creature List > Photonic Anomaly

Photonic Anomaly TIER 5

Starfinder Adventure Path #15: Sun Divers (Dawn of Flame 3 of 6) p.57

CN Huge starship ooze (fire)
Speed 0; Maneuverability see quantum movement
AC 17; TL 17
HP 205; DT 5; CT 41
Shields light 60 (forward 15, port 15, starboard 15, aft 15)
Attack (Turret) persistent particle beam (10d6)
Power Core photonic core (150 PCU); Drift Engine none; Systems mk 4 armor, mk 4 defenses; Expansion Bays none
Other Abilities living starship, lockdown, solar adaptation, solar defenses


Engineer (1 action) Engineering +11 (5 ranks)
Gunner (1 action) gunnery +10
Pilot (1 action) Piloting +11 (5 ranks)


Environment any solar
Organization solitary

Special Abilities

Living Starship (Ex) A photonic anomaly is a living creature so immense that it functions as a starship (and thus engages only in starship combat). It has no crew, but it can still take engineer, gunner, and pilot actions using the skill bonuses, ranks, and level listed above. Modifiers for its size, speed, and maneuverability have already been factored into its statistics. Critical damage is rolled so that results are applied as follows (with normal effects per the table on page 321 of the Core Rulebook): 1–33, weapons array; 34–66, engines; 67–100, power core.
Lockdown (Ex) If a science officer successfully uses the lock on crew action against a photonic anomaly before it moves, the creature’s quantum movement is temporarily disabled, and it can’t move during that round.
Quantum Movement (Ex) During the helm phase of starship combat, a photonic anomaly cannot use pilot actions to move and instead moves randomly. Choose one side of its hex and roll 1d6 to determine the direction it moves (1 is toward the chosen side, 2 is the next side going clockwise, and so on). Then roll 1d8 to determine the distance the anomaly moves. If the anomaly would end its movement in the same hex as another starship, it instead moves back 1 hex to an empty hex closer to its starting point. When the anomaly chooses to break off combat, it can move in a straight line away from its foes at a speed of 8 hexes per round. However, if it wants to change direction, it must move randomly for 1 round before starting to move in a straight line again the next round.
Solar Defenses (Ex) A photonic anomaly takes half damage from starship laser weapons. In addition, the anomaly’s erratic movement makes it difficult to scan. The DCs of target system and lock on science officer actions increase by 5 when used against a photonic anomaly.


Few ever encounter the exceedingly rare star-born entities known as photonic anomalies, as few creatures in the galaxy are able to survive within the stars where such creatures are normally found. A photonic anomaly is “born” when two or more infinitesimal gamma rays, each traveling a few millimeters in a random direction, happen to match trajectories perfectly. The cluster continues to dart randomly around the interior of the star until another nearby protophoton or gamma ray cluster again travels in the same direction, after which the two combine. Over millions and millions of years, these clusters can grow into a starship-sized entity that roams its home star. It continues to move chaotically, rarely interacting with any other creature. However, anomalies have been documented materializing near unusual energy phenomena inside stars.
Most other knowledge of photonic anomalies comes from their deaths, a dazzling event known as breaching. When a photonic anomaly moves out of the atmosphere of its star, the entity loses cohesion and erupts into a high-energy burst of radiation that travels in all directions at the speed of light. Sapient residents of the star’s system often mistake this breaching for a supernova, sparking panic. However, advanced societies with the tools to analyze the occurrence can quickly deduce the true cause of such an event.

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