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Player > Feats > Combat

Combat Feats

Above and BelowBase attack bonus +6Gain bonuses when flanking with dissimilar-sized allyFF05 p.52
Adaptive FightingThree or more combat featsOnce per day as a move action, gain the benefit of a combat feat you don't haveCRB p.154
Add LeverageStr 15Grip your weapon with more hands to move foes farther with combat maneuversCOM p.112
Advance WarningCha 15Shout a warning to your allies, causing them to stop being flat-footedCOM p.112
Advanced Melee Weapon ProficiencyProficiency in basic melee weaponsNo penalty to attacks with advanced melee weaponsCRB p.154
AmbuscadeWhen you make an attack in the surprise round against a target that has not yet acted, gain a bonus to attacks and damageCOM p.112
Ambush AwarenessIf you fail the Perception check to act in the surprise round, you can still take a full defense actionCOM p.112
Amplified GlitchComputers 3 ranks, Intimidate 3 ranksDisrupt devices, causing targets to become shaken for 1 round or moreCRB p.155
Back to BackPerception 3 ranksGain bonus to KAC when flankedFF05 p.52
BarricadeEngineering 1 rankCreate your own fragile coverCRB p.155
Basic Melee Weapon ProficiencyNo penalty to attacks with basic melee weaponsCRB p.155
Blind-FightReroll miss chances from concealmentCRB p.155
Blood in Their EyesYour critical hits with slashing attacks make foes dazzledCOM p.113
BodyguardAdd a +2 bonus to an adjacent ally's AC as a reactionCRB p.155
CleaveStr 13, base attack bonus +1Make an additional melee attack if the first one hitsCRB p.155
Close CombatBase attack bonus +1+2 bonus to AC against attacks from far away after melee attackPWD p.190
Combat CastingAbility to cast 2nd-level spells+2 bonus to AC and saves against attacks of opportunity when casting spellsCRB p.156
Constant AlertWis 11, character level 5thReroll your initiative check and automatically win tiesCOM p.113
Cook GrenadeDex 11, proficiency with grenadesTime your release of a grenade to increase its effectivenessCOM p.113
Coordinated ShotBase attack bonus +1Allies gain a +1 bonus to ranged attacks against foes you threatenCRB p.156
Craven PloyCha 13Willing ally takes -2 to AC to increase your AC by 2SS1 p.52
Deadly AimBase attack bonus +1Take a −2 penalty to weapon attacks to deal extra damageCRB p.156
Defensive RollDex 19, Acrobatics 10 ranksAttempt an Acrobatics check in place of a Reflex save or to dodge an attackCOM p.113
Defensive StrikerDex 13, base attack bonus +1, armor training traitYou were born to fight your enemies, and nobody does it better.NSP p.130
Deflect ProjectilesBase attack bonus +8Spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt to avoid a ranged attackCRB p.156
Dire StraitsCon 15Stabilize when you have no Hit Points or Resolve Points leftCOM p.113
Dive for CoverBase Reflex save bonus +2Fall prone in an adjacent square to roll a Reflex save twiceCRB p.156
Double DrawFour or more armsYour limbs allow you to manipulate multiple weapons.COM p.21
Double TapWeapon Focus (small arms), proficiency with small armsExpend double the normal ammunition to gain bonuses to attack and damage with a small armCOM p.114
Drag DownWhen you are tripped, you can attempt to trip an adjacent foeCRB p.157
Far ShotBase attack bonus +1Reduce penalty due to range incrementsCRB p.157
FleetIncrease your base speedCRB p.157
Focused SpellcasterCombat Casting, ability to cast 4th-level spellsSpend a resolve point to stop a spell from failing from taking damagePWD p.191
Fouling RepositionImproved Combat Maneuver (reposition)Reposition a foe to throw it and another creature off balanceCOM p.115
FusilladeBase attack bonus +1, four or more armsMake an automatic-mode attack with multiple small armsCRB p.157
Grab AttentionIntimidate 5 ranksMake a foe you hit in melee off-target when attacking anyone other than youCOM p.115
Grappler PullStr 11Use a grappler to draw your foes closer to youCOM p.115
Great CleaveStr 13, Cleave, base attack bonus +4Make an additional melee attack after each melee attack that hitsCRB p.157
Greater FeintImproved Feint, base attack bonus +6Foes you feint against are flat-footed for 1 roundCRB p.157
Grenade MasteryProficiency with grenadesIncrease the saving throw DCs of grenades you useCOM p.115
Grenade ProficiencyNo penalty to attacks made with grenadesCRB p.157
Ground FightingStr 11Ignore penalties to unarmed attacks when grappled, pinned, or proneCOM p.115
Heavy Armor ProficiencyStr 13, proficiency in light armorNo penalty to attack rolls while wearing heavy armorCRB p.158
Heavy Weapon ProficiencyStr 13, proficiency in small arms and longarmsNo penalty to attacks with heavy weaponsCRB p.158
Improved Combat ManeuverBase attack bonus +1+4 bonus to perform one combat maneuver CRB p.158
Improved CriticalBase attack bonus +8The DC to resist the critical effects of your critical hits increases by 2CRB p.158
Improved FeintUse Bluff to feint as a move actionCRB p.158
Improved Initiative+4 bonus to initiative checksCRB p.158
Improved SidestepDex 17, Mobility or trick attack class feature, SidestepReduce penalties from SidestepCRB p.158
Improved Stand StillStand Still+4 bonus to melee attacks with Stand StillCRB p.158
Improved Supporting FireBase attack bonus +6Perform Covering or Harrying Fire at DC25 to impact two attacksFF05 p.52
Improved Unarmed StrikeDeal more damage and threaten squares with unarmed strikesCRB p.158
In Harm's WayBodyguardTake the damage of a successful attack against an adjacent allyCRB p.158
Indirect RetreatDex 13, MobilityAllows you to turn during full action runSS1 p.52
Instant CraterBase attack bonus +5Weapons with the explode special property create difficult terrainCOM p.116
Jet ChargePiloting 3 ranksBoost your charge attacks with jets to move fartherCOM p.116
Kasathan Battle DanceDex 13, Mobility or trick attackWithdrawing with two hands free does not provoke attacks of opportunityPWD p.191
Kip UpAcrobatics 1 rankStand from prone as a swift actionCRB p.158
Laugh at DangerCon 13Grant an ally a +2 morale bonus to AC as a reaction when you take Hit Point damageCOM p.116
Light Armor ProficiencyNo penalty to attack rolls while wearing light armorCRB p.159
Living LadderStr 17Hit an adjacent foe with an unarmed attack to stand and possibly knock them proneCOM p.116
Longarm ProficiencyProficiency in small armsNo penalty to attacks with longarmsCRB p.159
Lung PunctureYour critical hits with piercing weapons cause foes to be fatiguedCOM p.116
LungeBase attack bonus +6Increase reach of melee attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turnCRB p.159
Many-Handed MasterFour or more armsYou use your many limbs to counter combat maneuvers.COM p.21
Massive SplashStr 11, base attack bonus +1Create temporary concealment when on the water's surfaceFF03 p.48
Melt DefensesBase attack bonus +11On a critical hit, cause further attacks against a foe to target EACCOM p.116
MobilityDex 13+4 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity from movementCRB p.160
Momentous AttackStr 11, Athletics 5 ranksOn a melee critical hit, move 5 feetCOM p.117
Multi-Weapon FightingReduce the penalty for full attacks when using multiple small arms or operative melee weaponsCRB p.160
Mystic StrikeAbility to cast spellsMelee and ranged attacks count as magicCRB p.160
Nimble MovesDex 15Ignore 20 feet of difficult terrain when you moveCRB p.160
Opening Volley+2 bonus to a melee attack against a target you damaged with a ranged attackCRB p.160
Parting ShotDex 15, Mobility, Shot on the Run, base attack bonus +6Make a single ranged attack when withdrawingCRB p.160
Penetrating AttackBase attack bonus +12Reduce enemy's DR and energy resistance against your weapons by 5CRB p.160
Pinpoint HurlerStr 15Reduce the distance your thrown weapons travel when they miss COM p.117
Powered Armored ProficiencyStr 13, base attack bonus +5, proficiency in light and heavy armorNo penalty to attack rolls while wearing powered armorCRB p.160
Pull the PinImproved Combat Maneuver (disarm)Perform a disarm to activate a foe's grenadeCRB p.160
Quick DrawBase attack bonus +1Draw a weapon as a swift actionCRB p.160
Reflect ProjectilesDeflect Projectiles, base attack bonus +16Spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt to redirect a ranged attackCRB p.161
Ricochet GrenadeProficiency with grenades, base attack bonus +7Bounce a grenade off a wall to reach difficult spotsCOM p.117
Sacred StrikeWorship a deity of an alignment within one step of your ownTreat your attacks as having your deity's alignmentCOM p.118
Shelter AllyBodyguard, natural reach of 10 feet or moreUse Bodyguard to protect allies within reach and increase the bonus and penalty by 1 when protecting a smaller creatureCOM p.118
Shield BlockProficiency with shieldsSpent 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to reduce damage from area effectsCOM p.118
Shield ProficiencyGain proficiency with shieldsCOM p.118
Shot on the RunDex 15, Mobility, base attack bonus +4Make a ranged attack at any point during movementCRB p.161
SidestepDex 15, Mobility or trick attack class featureTake guarded step as a reaction when a foe misses you with melee attackCRB p.161
Slam DownYour critical hits with bludgeoning weapons knock down your foesCOM p.118
Slippery ShooterDex 15, base attack bonus +6+3 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity when making ranged attacksCRB p.161
Small Arm ProficiencyNo penalty to attacks with small armsCRB p.162
Sniper Weapon ProficiencyNo penalty to attacks with sniper weaponsCRB p.162
Solid StanceCon 15Become harder to move, and use a reaction to avoid being knocked proneCOM p.118
Special Weapon ProficiencyProficiency in basic melee weapons or small armsNo penalty to attacks with one special weaponCRB p.162
Spring AttackDex 15, Mobility, base attack bonus +4Move before and after a melee attackCRB p.162
Spry CoverBase attack bonus +1Covering fire grants a +4 bonus to an ally's Acrobatics check to tumbleCRB p.162
Stand StillMake an attack of opportunity to stop a foe's movementCRB p.162
Stand StrongStand StillImprove the effects of Stand Still when fighting defensivelyFF05 p.52
Step UpBase attack bonus +1Take a guarded step as a reaction to an adjacent foe movingCRB p.162
Step Up and StrikeDex 13, Step Up, base attack bonus +6Make an attack of opportunity as part of Step UpCRB p.162
Strike BackBase attack bonus +1Ready an action to make a melee attack against a foe with reachCRB p.163
Superheated SpellsAbility to cast spells, Mysticism 5 ranksFire spells and abilities avoid water penalties and deal bonus damageFF03 p.48
Suppressive FireBase attack bonus +1, proficiency with heavy weaponsProvide covering fire or harrying fire in an areaCRB p.162
Tandem FeintBase attack bonus +6, Improved FeintAllow a successful feint to benefit an ally as well.FF05 p.53
Tandem ManeuverBase attack bonus +6, Improved Combat Maneuver (any)FF05 p.53
Target of OpportunityBase attack bonus +6Follow up on an ally's attack of opportunity with your own.FF05 p.53
Terrifying PresenceIntimidating racial traitYour fearsome displays instill fear longer.COM p.34
Through the LinesDex 13You can charge through one ally's space COM p.119
Tripping RushImproved Combat Maneuver (trip), base attack bonus +5Knock a target prone when you bull rush them into an obstacleCOM p.119
Unbreakable WillTelepathy or limited telepathy racial traitImprove your resistance against demoralize attempts and fear effectsFF05 p.53
Underwater BrawlerStr 15, base attack bonus +5Your kinetic melee attacks avoid underwater penaltiesFF03 p.49
Unfriendly FireBluff 5 ranksTrick an attacker into shooting at another enemy adjacent to youCRB p.163
Unsinkable CasterAbility to cast spells, character level 3rdYou can cast spells in violent weather or while holding your breathFF03 p.49
Versatile FightingAdaptive Fighting, character level 5thSpend RP to use Adaptive Fighting more often in a dayCOM p.119
Versatile FocusWeapon Focus (any)+1 bonus to attack rolls with all weapon types you are proficient withCRB p.163
Versatile SpecializationWeapon Specialization, character level 3rdDeal extra damage with all weapon types you are proficient withCRB p.163
Wary WithdrawalDex 13, Wis 13, MobilityAllows withdraw during total defense actionSS1 p.52
Water MagicAbility to cast spellsYour water magic is more effective.FF03 p.49
Weapon FocusProficiency with selected weapon type+1 bonus to attack rolls with selected weapon typeCRB p.163
Weapon SpecializationCharacter level 3rd, proficiency with selected weapon typeDeal extra damage with selected weapon typeCRB p.163

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