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Player > Feats > Combat
Name | Prerequisities | Description | Source |
Above and Below | Base attack bonus +6 | Gain bonuses when flanking with dissimilar-sized ally | FF05 p.52 |
Adaptive Fighting | Three or more combat feats | Once per day as a move action, gain the benefit of a combat feat you don't have | CRB p.154 |
Add Leverage | Str 15 | Grip your weapon with more hands to move foes farther with combat maneuvers | COM p.112 |
Advance Warning | Cha 15 | Shout a warning to your allies, causing them to stop being flat-footed | COM p.112 |
Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency | Proficiency in basic melee weapons | No penalty to attacks with advanced melee weapons | CRB p.154 |
Ambuscade | When you make an attack in the surprise round against a target that has not yet acted, gain a bonus to attacks and damage | COM p.112 | |
Ambush Awareness | If you fail the Perception check to act in the surprise round, you can still take a full defense action | COM p.112 | |
Amplified Glitch | Computers 3 ranks, Intimidate 3 ranks | Disrupt devices, causing targets to become shaken for 1 round or more | CRB p.155 |
Back to Back | Perception 3 ranks | Gain bonus to KAC when flanked | FF05 p.52 |
Barricade | Engineering 1 rank | Create your own fragile cover | CRB p.155 |
Basic Melee Weapon Proficiency | No penalty to attacks with basic melee weapons | CRB p.155 | |
Blind-Fight | Reroll miss chances from concealment | CRB p.155 | |
Blood in Their Eyes | Your critical hits with slashing attacks make foes dazzled | COM p.113 | |
Bodyguard | Add a +2 bonus to an adjacent ally's AC as a reaction | CRB p.155 | |
Cleave | Str 13, base attack bonus +1 | Make an additional melee attack if the first one hits | CRB p.155 |
Close Combat | Base attack bonus +1 | +2 bonus to AC against attacks from far away after melee attack | PWD p.190 |
Combat Casting | Ability to cast 2nd-level spells | +2 bonus to AC and saves against attacks of opportunity when casting spells | CRB p.156 |
Constant Alert | Wis 11, character level 5th | Reroll your initiative check and automatically win ties | COM p.113 |
Cook Grenade | Dex 11, proficiency with grenades | Time your release of a grenade to increase its effectiveness | COM p.113 |
Coordinated Shot | Base attack bonus +1 | Allies gain a +1 bonus to ranged attacks against foes you threaten | CRB p.156 |
Craven Ploy | Cha 13 | Willing ally takes -2 to AC to increase your AC by 2 | SS1 p.52 |
Deadly Aim | Base attack bonus +1 | Take a −2 penalty to weapon attacks to deal extra damage | CRB p.156 |
Defensive Roll | Dex 19, Acrobatics 10 ranks | Attempt an Acrobatics check in place of a Reflex save or to dodge an attack | COM p.113 |
Defensive Striker | Dex 13, base attack bonus +1, armor training trait | You were born to fight your enemies, and nobody does it better. | NSP p.130 |
Deflect Projectiles | Base attack bonus +8 | Spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt to avoid a ranged attack | CRB p.156 |
Dire Straits | Con 15 | Stabilize when you have no Hit Points or Resolve Points left | COM p.113 |
Dive for Cover | Base Reflex save bonus +2 | Fall prone in an adjacent square to roll a Reflex save twice | CRB p.156 |
Double Draw | Four or more arms | Your limbs allow you to manipulate multiple weapons. | COM p.21 |
Double Tap | Weapon Focus (small arms), proficiency with small arms | Expend double the normal ammunition to gain bonuses to attack and damage with a small arm | COM p.114 |
Drag Down | When you are tripped, you can attempt to trip an adjacent foe | CRB p.157 | |
Far Shot | Base attack bonus +1 | Reduce penalty due to range increments | CRB p.157 |
Fleet | Increase your base speed | CRB p.157 | |
Focused Spellcaster | Combat Casting, ability to cast 4th-level spells | Spend a resolve point to stop a spell from failing from taking damage | PWD p.191 |
Fouling Reposition | Improved Combat Maneuver (reposition) | Reposition a foe to throw it and another creature off balance | COM p.115 |
Fusillade | Base attack bonus +1, four or more arms | Make an automatic-mode attack with multiple small arms | CRB p.157 |
Grab Attention | Intimidate 5 ranks | Make a foe you hit in melee off-target when attacking anyone other than you | COM p.115 |
Grappler Pull | Str 11 | Use a grappler to draw your foes closer to you | COM p.115 |
Great Cleave | Str 13, Cleave, base attack bonus +4 | Make an additional melee attack after each melee attack that hits | CRB p.157 |
Greater Feint | Improved Feint, base attack bonus +6 | Foes you feint against are flat-footed for 1 round | CRB p.157 |
Grenade Mastery | Proficiency with grenades | Increase the saving throw DCs of grenades you use | COM p.115 |
Grenade Proficiency | No penalty to attacks made with grenades | CRB p.157 | |
Ground Fighting | Str 11 | Ignore penalties to unarmed attacks when grappled, pinned, or prone | COM p.115 |
Heavy Armor Proficiency | Str 13, proficiency in light armor | No penalty to attack rolls while wearing heavy armor | CRB p.158 |
Heavy Weapon Proficiency | Str 13, proficiency in small arms and longarms | No penalty to attacks with heavy weapons | CRB p.158 |
Improved Combat Maneuver | Base attack bonus +1 | +4 bonus to perform one combat maneuver | CRB p.158 |
Improved Critical | Base attack bonus +8 | The DC to resist the critical effects of your critical hits increases by 2 | CRB p.158 |
Improved Feint | Use Bluff to feint as a move action | CRB p.158 | |
Improved Initiative | +4 bonus to initiative checks | CRB p.158 | |
Improved Sidestep | Dex 17, Mobility or trick attack class feature, Sidestep | Reduce penalties from Sidestep | CRB p.158 |
Improved Stand Still | Stand Still | +4 bonus to melee attacks with Stand Still | CRB p.158 |
Improved Supporting Fire | Base attack bonus +6 | Perform Covering or Harrying Fire at DC25 to impact two attacks | FF05 p.52 |
Improved Unarmed Strike | Deal more damage and threaten squares with unarmed strikes | CRB p.158 | |
In Harm's Way | Bodyguard | Take the damage of a successful attack against an adjacent ally | CRB p.158 |
Indirect Retreat | Dex 13, Mobility | Allows you to turn during full action run | SS1 p.52 |
Instant Crater | Base attack bonus +5 | Weapons with the explode special property create difficult terrain | COM p.116 |
Jet Charge | Piloting 3 ranks | Boost your charge attacks with jets to move farther | COM p.116 |
Kasathan Battle Dance | Dex 13, Mobility or trick attack | Withdrawing with two hands free does not provoke attacks of opportunity | PWD p.191 |
Kip Up | Acrobatics 1 rank | Stand from prone as a swift action | CRB p.158 |
Laugh at Danger | Con 13 | Grant an ally a +2 morale bonus to AC as a reaction when you take Hit Point damage | COM p.116 |
Light Armor Proficiency | No penalty to attack rolls while wearing light armor | CRB p.159 | |
Living Ladder | Str 17 | Hit an adjacent foe with an unarmed attack to stand and possibly knock them prone | COM p.116 |
Longarm Proficiency | Proficiency in small arms | No penalty to attacks with longarms | CRB p.159 |
Lung Puncture | Your critical hits with piercing weapons cause foes to be fatigued | COM p.116 | |
Lunge | Base attack bonus +6 | Increase reach of melee attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turn | CRB p.159 |
Many-Handed Master | Four or more arms | You use your many limbs to counter combat maneuvers. | COM p.21 |
Massive Splash | Str 11, base attack bonus +1 | Create temporary concealment when on the water's surface | FF03 p.48 |
Melt Defenses | Base attack bonus +11 | On a critical hit, cause further attacks against a foe to target EAC | COM p.116 |
Mobility | Dex 13 | +4 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity from movement | CRB p.160 |
Momentous Attack | Str 11, Athletics 5 ranks | On a melee critical hit, move 5 feet | COM p.117 |
Multi-Weapon Fighting | Reduce the penalty for full attacks when using multiple small arms or operative melee weapons | CRB p.160 | |
Mystic Strike | Ability to cast spells | Melee and ranged attacks count as magic | CRB p.160 |
Nimble Moves | Dex 15 | Ignore 20 feet of difficult terrain when you move | CRB p.160 |
Opening Volley | +2 bonus to a melee attack against a target you damaged with a ranged attack | CRB p.160 | |
Parting Shot | Dex 15, Mobility, Shot on the Run, base attack bonus +6 | Make a single ranged attack when withdrawing | CRB p.160 |
Penetrating Attack | Base attack bonus +12 | Reduce enemy's DR and energy resistance against your weapons by 5 | CRB p.160 |
Pinpoint Hurler | Str 15 | Reduce the distance your thrown weapons travel when they miss | COM p.117 |
Powered Armored Proficiency | Str 13, base attack bonus +5, proficiency in light and heavy armor | No penalty to attack rolls while wearing powered armor | CRB p.160 |
Pull the Pin | Improved Combat Maneuver (disarm) | Perform a disarm to activate a foe's grenade | CRB p.160 |
Quick Draw | Base attack bonus +1 | Draw a weapon as a swift action | CRB p.160 |
Reflect Projectiles | Deflect Projectiles, base attack bonus +16 | Spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt to redirect a ranged attack | CRB p.161 |
Ricochet Grenade | Proficiency with grenades, base attack bonus +7 | Bounce a grenade off a wall to reach difficult spots | COM p.117 |
Sacred Strike | Worship a deity of an alignment within one step of your own | Treat your attacks as having your deity's alignment | COM p.118 |
Shelter Ally | Bodyguard, natural reach of 10 feet or more | Use Bodyguard to protect allies within reach and increase the bonus and penalty by 1 when protecting a smaller creature | COM p.118 |
Shield Block | Proficiency with shields | Spent 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to reduce damage from area effects | COM p.118 |
Shield Proficiency | Gain proficiency with shields | COM p.118 | |
Shot on the Run | Dex 15, Mobility, base attack bonus +4 | Make a ranged attack at any point during movement | CRB p.161 |
Sidestep | Dex 15, Mobility or trick attack class feature | Take guarded step as a reaction when a foe misses you with melee attack | CRB p.161 |
Slam Down | Your critical hits with bludgeoning weapons knock down your foes | COM p.118 | |
Slippery Shooter | Dex 15, base attack bonus +6 | +3 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity when making ranged attacks | CRB p.161 |
Small Arm Proficiency | No penalty to attacks with small arms | CRB p.162 | |
Sniper Weapon Proficiency | No penalty to attacks with sniper weapons | CRB p.162 | |
Solid Stance | Con 15 | Become harder to move, and use a reaction to avoid being knocked prone | COM p.118 |
Special Weapon Proficiency | Proficiency in basic melee weapons or small arms | No penalty to attacks with one special weapon | CRB p.162 |
Spring Attack | Dex 15, Mobility, base attack bonus +4 | Move before and after a melee attack | CRB p.162 |
Spry Cover | Base attack bonus +1 | Covering fire grants a +4 bonus to an ally's Acrobatics check to tumble | CRB p.162 |
Stand Still | Make an attack of opportunity to stop a foe's movement | CRB p.162 | |
Stand Strong | Stand Still | Improve the effects of Stand Still when fighting defensively | FF05 p.52 |
Step Up | Base attack bonus +1 | Take a guarded step as a reaction to an adjacent foe moving | CRB p.162 |
Step Up and Strike | Dex 13, Step Up, base attack bonus +6 | Make an attack of opportunity as part of Step Up | CRB p.162 |
Strike Back | Base attack bonus +1 | Ready an action to make a melee attack against a foe with reach | CRB p.163 |
Superheated Spells | Ability to cast spells, Mysticism 5 ranks | Fire spells and abilities avoid water penalties and deal bonus damage | FF03 p.48 |
Suppressive Fire | Base attack bonus +1, proficiency with heavy weapons | Provide covering fire or harrying fire in an area | CRB p.162 |
Tandem Feint | Base attack bonus +6, Improved Feint | Allow a successful feint to benefit an ally as well. | FF05 p.53 |
Tandem Maneuver | Base attack bonus +6, Improved Combat Maneuver (any) | FF05 p.53 | |
Target of Opportunity | Base attack bonus +6 | Follow up on an ally's attack of opportunity with your own. | FF05 p.53 |
Terrifying Presence | Intimidating racial trait | Your fearsome displays instill fear longer. | COM p.34 |
Through the Lines | Dex 13 | You can charge through one ally's space | COM p.119 |
Tripping Rush | Improved Combat Maneuver (trip), base attack bonus +5 | Knock a target prone when you bull rush them into an obstacle | COM p.119 |
Unbreakable Will | Telepathy or limited telepathy racial trait | Improve your resistance against demoralize attempts and fear effects | FF05 p.53 |
Underwater Brawler | Str 15, base attack bonus +5 | Your kinetic melee attacks avoid underwater penalties | FF03 p.49 |
Unfriendly Fire | Bluff 5 ranks | Trick an attacker into shooting at another enemy adjacent to you | CRB p.163 |
Unsinkable Caster | Ability to cast spells, character level 3rd | You can cast spells in violent weather or while holding your breath | FF03 p.49 |
Versatile Fighting | Adaptive Fighting, character level 5th | Spend RP to use Adaptive Fighting more often in a day | COM p.119 |
Versatile Focus | Weapon Focus (any) | +1 bonus to attack rolls with all weapon types you are proficient with | CRB p.163 |
Versatile Specialization | Weapon Specialization, character level 3rd | Deal extra damage with all weapon types you are proficient with | CRB p.163 |
Wary Withdrawal | Dex 13, Wis 13, Mobility | Allows withdraw during total defense action | SS1 p.52 |
Water Magic | Ability to cast spells | Your water magic is more effective. | FF03 p.49 |
Weapon Focus | Proficiency with selected weapon type | +1 bonus to attack rolls with selected weapon type | CRB p.163 |
Weapon Specialization | Character level 3rd, proficiency with selected weapon type | Deal extra damage with selected weapon type | CRB p.163 |
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