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Rules > Tactical > Vehicle Chases
The tactical vehicle rules in the previous section are meant for battles on a grid, with some creatures in vehicles and others on foot. But in a high-speed chase or race between competing vehicles, the pilots’ skill and the environment play the predominant role in victory or defeat. The system detailed below is a more narrative-based system that allows for greater flexibility and doesn’t require an enormous grid for play.
In a vehicle chase, you monitor only the relative positions of the
vehicles. The easiest way to do this is by using a series of horizontal
lines called zones, as shown in the diagram on page 283. You can
use a battle map for this and simply ignore the vertical lines.
As a default, vehicles in the same zone are considered to be
about 50 feet apart. If they’re engaged (see Engage Another
Vehicle), they are considered adjacent, but they normally don’t
touch, leaving room for creatures trying to hop between them
to fall. Vehicles one zone apart are about 200 feet apart.
Being ahead of an opponent is advantageous. You get a +2 bonus to Piloting checks against enemies that are behind you, or you get a +2 bonus to all Piloting checks if you’re ahead of all your enemies. When attacking, you get a +2 bonus to attack rolls against enemies and vehicles that are behind you.
Chases happen in rounds with three phases, which are described in more detail below. At the start of a chase, roll initiative checks (or use the same initiative order if a grid-based vehicle combat transitioned into a chase).
During the pilot actions phase, the pilot of each vehicle selects any pilot actions she wants to use to drive her vehicle this round, and performs her piloting actions in initiative order during this phase. Most pilot actions require a move action; taking two pilot actions requires the double maneuver pilot action, which is a full action. Only the speed up action advances vehicles during this phase. For all other pilot actions, the GM advances vehicles as appropriate during the chase progress step. If the pilots have any actions remaining at the end of the pilot actions phase, they can take them in initiative order during the combat phase. Table 8–3 offers a quick reference for the pilot actions.
Break free | Piloting | 5 + enemy vehicle’s KAC | End vehicle engagement (and move 1 zone forward in chase progress phase) |
Double maneuver* | Varies | Special (each at a –4 penalty) | Special—see page 283 (and vehicle moves 1 zone forward in chase progress phase) |
Engage another vehicle | Piloting | Enemy vehicle’s KAC | Vehicle’s riders can attack one another or board another vehicle (and vehicle moves 1 zone forward in chase progress phase) |
Evade | Piloting | 10 + vehicle's item level | Vehicle gains a +2 bonus to its AC (and moves 1 zone forward in chase progress phase) |
Keep pace | Piloting | 10 + vehicle's item level | Vehicle moves 1 zone forward in chase progress phase |
Slow down | None | None | Vehicle doesn’t move forward in chase progress phase |
Speed up | Piloting | 17 + vehicle's item level | Move 1 zone forward immediately (and move 1 zone forward in chase progress phase) |
Trick | Varies (see page 283) | 15 + vehicle's item level | Pilots behind you take –2 penalty to Piloting checks for 1 round (and vehicle moves 1 zone forward in chase progress phase) |
* A double maneuver is a full action that allows a pilot to take any two of the other actions listed in this table.
You attempt a Piloting check (DC = 5 + the enemy vehicle’s KAC) to disengage from an engagement with other vehicles. If the engagement includes multiple enemy vehicles, the DC equals the highest KAC among the enemy vehicles + 5 per enemy vehicle beyond the first. If all parties are willing to end the engagement, no Piloting check is required to break free.
You attempt a Piloting check (DC = the KAC of the enemy vehicle) to engage your vehicle with an enemy vehicle in the same zone. Two allied vehicles can engage freely; this is useful to allow people on one vehicle to board the other. In both cases, your vehicle then automatically becomes engaged with all other vehicles in the engagement. You can make melee attacks against those on another vehicle only if your vehicle is engaged with it; see the Engagement sidebar on page 284 for more information.
You can attempt a Piloting check (DC = 10 + your vehicle’s item level) to grant your vehicle a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC for 1 round. If you evade twice, the bonuses aren’t cumulative.
You attempt a Piloting check (DC = 10 + your vehicle’s item level) to stay in the same position in the chase. If you’re successful, your vehicle moves forward during the chase progress phase. If you fail, your vehicle falls back one zone during that phase. Many other pilot actions can also result in a vehicle moving forward one zone during the chase progress phase, but they have a higher DC, increasing the chance the pilot will fail.
Your vehicle doesn’t move during the chase progress phase. This pilot action doesn’t require a check.
You attempt a Piloting check (DC = 17 + your vehicle’s item level) to get ahead, moving forward one zone immediately on a success. If the vehicle encounters any hazards or similar effects that occur upon entering a zone (see page 285), they trigger immediately. The vehicle later moves forward one additional zone in the chase progress phase, even on a failed check, unless you failed the check by 5 or more.
You can try a risky maneuver, use the terrain, or take an unconventional route to foil pursuers. You attempt a skill check (DC = 15 + your vehicle’s item level); this skill check could be a Piloting check if the ploy requires intricate maneuvering, but it might instead be a Bluff, Stealth, or other skill check at the GM’s discretion. If you succeed, the Piloting checks of all vehicles behind you take a –2 penalty for 1 round. You can attempt multiple tricks with the double maneuver action, but the penalties imposed on the vehicles behind you aren’t cumulative. Penalties from multiple different pilots who are ahead and successfully perform tricks, however, are cumulative.
You can take two of the aforementioned pilot actions, but take
a –4 penalty to each Piloting check or other skill check. You
take the pilot actions in succession, but can choose your second
action after taking the first one and can take an action more
than once. If you don’t want to use your second action, you
forfeit it but still take the penalty to your first check. Unlike
other pilot actions, a double maneuver takes your full action.
If your vehicle is significantly faster than the other vehicles
in the chase, you have an advantage when performing a double
maneuver. If your vehicle’s full speed is at least 50 feet faster
than the fastest enemy vehicle, you take only a –2 penalty when
performing a double maneuver.
Regardless of how many pilot actions you take as part of a
double maneuver, you move forward at most one zone during
the chase progress phase.
Vehicles in the same zone as one another can become engaged, meaning they’re neck-and-neck and within physical striking distance of one another. If two or more vehicles are engaged, move their miniatures or tokens next to one another. The vehicles’ passengers and pilots can make melee attacks against each other in the combat phase or attempt to board the other vehicle. An engaged vehicle can’t speed up, slow down, engage another enemy, or end the engagement unless it takes the break free action (see page 282).
In the chase progress phase, the GM advances vehicles (based on their pilots’ chosen actions and whether they succeeded at the required checks), then determines whether any participants have escaped or been left behind and whether the chase is over.
The GM moves forward by one zone all vehicles whose pilots
succeeded at a minimum of one required check. If a vehicle’s
pilot deliberately slowed down or she failed all the Piloting
checks attempted, her vehicle doesn’t move forward. If a pilot
attempted to keep pace and failed, her vehicle instead moves
back one zone. If a pilot attempted to speed up and failed by less
than 5, her vehicle still moves forward one zone now. Because a
pilot has to fail all checks to stay put, a pilot who tried to speed
up twice would stay put only if she failed both checks by 5 or
more. The slow down action supersedes the forward movement
from other successful Piloting checks, so if the pilot succeeded
at the evade and slow down actions, she’d get the bonus to her
vehicle’s AC but wouldn’t move forward. Treat uncontrolled
vehicles as if their pilots had failed all Piloting checks.
If a vehicle is engaged with another and fails all its checks, it
still moves forward along with another engaged vehicle, provided
that vehicle would be advanced by the GM. However, the
opposing vehicle gains all bonuses from being a zone ahead (even
though it’s in the same zone). If all the vehicles in an engagement
fail all their checks, none move.
Hazards and other effects of moving into a zone trigger
immediately (see Chase Environments on page 285 for more
information, since sometimes environments can prompt specific
hazards in a relevant zone).
You leave a chase if you escape or get left behind. During the
chase progress phase, you escape if you end up two zones
ahead of all adversaries, and you get left behind if you end up
two zones behind.
If you would escape from a chase but don’t want to do so, you
can voluntarily move back to being only one zone ahead in the
chase progress phase.
It’s possible for you to rejoin a chase if you’ve been left behind
(or if you already escaped and want to later support allies with
an ambush), but it requires extraordinary circumstances and
happens at the GM’s discretion.
As an example, suppose the PCs are in an exploration buggy
fleeing from a police cruiser, and are one zone ahead of the
pursuing police cruiser. During the pilot actions phase, the PC
pilot succeeds at a Piloting check to speed up, immediately
moving the buggy an additional zone ahead, which brings it two
zones ahead of the police cruiser. The officer piloting the police
cruiser tries to speed up and catch the PCs, but he fails his
Piloting check, so the police cruiser remains in its zone. During
the chase progress phase, both vehicles move forward one zone,
but because the PCs are still two zones ahead, they escape and
leave the chase.
In this example, the PCS escaping and the police getting left
behind have the same end result. But what if there were two
police cruisers, and one succeeded at its check to speed up but
the other didn’t? The cruiser that succeeded would end up one
zone behind the PCs, and the one that failed would be two zones
behind. The second cruiser would leave the chase, but the PCs
wouldn’t escape because their buggy isn’t two zones ahead of
all pursuers.
If either all enemies or you and your allies have escaped or been left behind, the chase is over. It’s possible for one group to escape by dropping back until it’s left behind, but it’s easy for the other chase participants to circle back and pick off the group while it’s a sitting duck.
The final phase of each round is combat. This happens in initiative order, and characters can take the usual actions they can in combat, with the following adjustments. Pilots can also act during the combat phase, as long as they have any actions remaining to spend. Because of the motion involved in a chase, all attacks take the penalty listed in the vehicle’s Modifiers entry. However, because the vehicles are all moving at high speed, the differences in speed cancel out somewhat, so combatants take the normal penalty instead of the higher penalty for full speed.
Passengers on and pilots of vehicles can attempt ranged attacks
against other vehicles or their passengers in the same zone or
one zone away. Unless otherwise specified, these ranged attacks
follow the normal rules for attacking from vehicles (see page
281). To determine the range between two vehicles, see Relative
Positioning on page 282.
As a passenger, you can attack with your ranged weapons
or abilities. If you’re a gunner, you can attack with the vehicle’s
mounted weapons, as described in Firing Vehicle Weapons on
page 281. As a pilot, you can attack only if you have a standard
action left and can make a full attack only if you left the vehicle
uncontrolled in the pilot actions phase.
Passengers can attack an enemy vehicle directly, but
targeting riders or pilots can be difficult. Vehicles (except for
entirely open vehicles) usually grant their passengers some
degree of cover (see page 228).
Due to high speeds, wind, and other factors that may or may
not be part of the environment (see Chase Environments on
page 285), some weapons might not work effectively during
a chase. For example, it’s nearly impossible to throw a grenade
from one vehicle to another while moving at high speeds. The
GM has final say on what can and can’t be used during a chase
and the penalties incurred for difficult attacks.
Anyone in a vehicle can make melee attacks against those on an enemy vehicle with which their own vehicle is engaged. You can make melee attacks against those in an enemy vehicle only with reach weapons, and such targets typically have some cover provided by their vehicle. Even when your vehicles are engaged and you’re using a reach weapon, you do not threaten any squares of the other vehicle.
If two vehicles are engaged and you are a passenger, you can attempt to move from one vehicle to the other as a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This is like boarding a vehicle in normal combat, but it also requires a successful Acrobatics or Athletics check with a DC equal to 5 + the KAC of the vehicle you’re boarding. Failure by less than 5 means that you are unable to board the other vehicle and remain on your vehicle. If you fail by 5 or more, you fall from the vehicle and land prone. You take double the normal falling damage for the distance of your fall or 1d6 falling damage if you fall less than 10 feet. Once you have boarded an enemy vehicle, you take the attack penalty from that vehicle, not your former one.
When piloting a vehicle, you can attempt a Piloting check (DC = the enemy vehicle’s KAC) as a standard action to smash into another vehicle you’re engaged with. If you’re successful, your vehicle deals its collision damage to the enemy vehicle, and takes half that much damage itself. A vehicle’s collision damage is listed in the Attack (Collision) entry of its statistics (see page 228).
Where a chase occurs can dramatically influence how it plays out. Heavy traffic, obstacles, and winding paths could all impede a chase or add strategic options for the vehicles involved. The GM decides the environment’s effects on the chase, and the sample chase environments (see page 286) can give the GM some ideas. The environment might affect the entire chase or only some zones—whatever makes the most sense for the scene.
For environmental effects that affect only part of the chase, the GM should designate one or more zones as environmental zones that contain hazards. The GM should reveal an environmental zone once it comes into view of the foremost vehicle in the chase.
1/4 | +3 | 2d4 |
1/3 | +4 | 2d4 |
1/2 | +6 | 3d4 |
1 | +8 | 4d4 |
2 | +9 | 5d4 |
3 | +10 | 5d4 |
4 | +11 | 5d6 |
5 | +12 | 5d8 |
6 | +14 | 6d8 |
7 | +15 | 6d10 |
8 | +17 | 7d10 |
9 | +19 | 8d10 |
10 | +20 | 9d10 |
11 | +21 | 10d10 |
12 | +23 | 11d10 |
13 | +24 | 12d10 |
14 | +25 | 14d10 |
15 | +26 | 15d10 |
16 | +28 | 17d10 |
17 | +29 | 18d10 |
18 | +30 | 20d10 |
19 | +31 | 23d10 |
20 | +32 | 25d10 |
Environments can affect vehicles in a chase in five main ways.
The following sample environments provide some details
about those environments’ features as well as the appropriate
accompanying modifiers.
GMs should feel free to use these sample environments and
their modifiers whole cloth in their games, to create their own
unique environments, and to choose environmental features
that are most appropriate for the chases they wish to run.
The following are sample features for an aquatic environment.
The following are sample features for a desert environment.
The following are sample features for a forest environment.
The following are sample features for a highway.
PCs earn experience points for successfully completing a vehicle
chase. To award XP, take the CRs of the creatures in enemy
vehicles, plus the CRs of any active hazards encountered, and
award the proper amount of XP for each CR as outlined on Table
11–3: Experience Point Awards on page 390. The PCs can earn
XP for each creature only once; if a creature was defeated in
combat during a successful chase, the PCs don’t gain experience
for defeating the creature and for completing the chase.
At the GM’s discretion, when the PCs complete a chase in a
particularly dangerous environment, the environment itself
might increase the amount of experience the characters gain
from the encounter.
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