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Player > Armor > Shields > Deterrence scale, amperometric
Starfinder Adventure Path #29: The Cradle Infestation (The Threefold Conspiracy 5 of 6) p.49
Level: 8
Price: 9400
Shield Bonus: +1/+1
Maximum Dex Bonus: —
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Speed Adjustment: —
Upgrade Slots: 0
Bulk: +1
A deterrence scale is a small, light shell of
chitin carried with one limb and maneuvered
to intercept attacks against you. A limb
wielding a deterrence scale can still hold
another object and be used to reload
weapons, but it cannot wield weapons or
other shields.
A deterrence scale also can be used
to make melee attacks; it is an advanced
melee weapon when used in this way,
dealing 1d3 electricity damage. In
addition, when you have the shield aligned
against a specific foe within your reach and
that foe attacks you with a melee attack, you
can use your reaction to shock that foe, dealing
electricity damage equal to the shield’s item
level; the attacker can attempt a Reflex save
(DC = 10 + half the shield’s item level + your
Dexterity modifier) to reduce this damage by half.
A deterrence scale has the powered and stun weapon
special properties. An electroplax or amperometric
deterrence shield has capacity 20 and usage 1, while a
galvanic or voltaic deterrence shield has capacity 40 and
usage 1 (per the Deterrence Scale [Shield] table on page 50).
A deterrence scale expends 1 charge each time you attack
with it or you use a reaction to shock an attacker.
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