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Player > Armor > Upgrades > Emergency defense sphere

Emergency defense sphere

Starfinder Near Space p.152

Level: 16
Price: 162,000
Slots: 1
Armor Type: Any
Bulk: L

Usage: 1/round
Capacity: 3

An emergency defense sphere system monitors your vital signs and automatically triggers a resilient sphere centered on you if you suffer from the dying, helpless, paralyzed, or stunned conditions. The sphere functions as the spell, except its diameter extends only to the space you occupy, and the sphere remains until the unit runs out of charges. If dispelled while there are charges remaining, the sphere reactivates at the beginning of your next turn if you still have any of the triggering conditions. The upgrade must be installed in a suit of armor for 24 hours before it functions, and when the upgrade is removed from the armor, no other upgrade can use its vacated slot for 24 hours.

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