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Player > Armor > Upgrades > Endurance module (Hybrid)

Endurance module (Hybrid)

Starfinder Armory p.83

Level: 6
Price: 4500
Slots: 1
Armor Type: Any
Bulk: L

Usage: 1
Capacity: 1

Using advanced technology and powerful restorative magic, this upgrade continuously stimulates your blood circulation, brain, and muscles. It must be installed in a suit of armor for 24 hours before it functions, and when the upgrade is removed from the armor, no other upgrade can use its vacated slot for 24 hours. While you are wearing the armor and this upgrade has a charge, you ignore the effects of the fatigued condition. When an effect would cause you to gain the exhausted condition, as a reaction you can expend the device's charge to be fatigued instead. The device's charge replenishes each day

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