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Player > Armor > Upgrades > Mobility enhancer, mk 2

Mobility enhancer, mk 2

Starfinder Armory p.84

Level: 8
Price: 9500
Slots: 1
Armor Type: Heavy

This system of elastic braces and joint support structures reduces the stress heavy armor exerts on your body, allowing you to move faster despite the armor's bulk. A mobility enhancer reduces the armor's speed adjustment by an amount determined by the upgrade's type, as listed below. The speed adjustment of the armor can't increase above 0 feet.
Mk 1 (Level 3): Reduce the armor's speed adjustment by 5 feet.
Mk 2 (Level 8): Reduce the armor's speed adjustment by 10 feet.
This upgrade can be installed only in heavy armor.

NameLevelPriceSlotsArmor TypeBulkSource
Mobility enhancer, mk 1315001HeavyLARM p.84

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