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Player > Augmentations > Magitech > Technopathy node

Technopathy node

Starfinder Armory p.93

Level: 1
Price: 220
System: Throat

A small metallic node etched with arcane symbols implanted in your voice box allows you to silently vocalize messages to constructs with the technological subtype or to nearby computers designed to receive messages. As a standard action, you can send a short message in a language you know to up to three target creatures or computers you are observing within 100 feet and potentially receive a short reply, per telepathic message. Alternatively, as a standard action, you can send a short message in a language you know to a single target computer you are observing within 100 feet and have that computer display that message, allowing anyone observing that computer to read it without leaving any trace of the message's origin.

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