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Player > Augmentations > Magitech > Enchanting vocal modulator, duofrequency

Enchanting vocal modulator, duofrequency

Starfinder Armory p.91

Level: 14
Price: 66500
System: Throat

Your voice box has an enchanted digital modulator that can alter its frequency to be supernaturally compelling. As a move action you can calibrate it to a single creature that you have heard and understood speaking or using other sound-based communication. It remains calibrated to that target until you pick a new target. You gain a +2 insight bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks to influence that creature using your voice (not other forms of communication). In addition, you can cast suggestion once per day (DC = 10 + half your character level + your Charisma modifier) as a standard action, targeting a creature your system is calibrated to.
A duofrequency enchanting vocal modulator can target two creatures at once. It can be calibrated to two targets with a single move action, and its suggestion function can be used to target both with a single command. Similarly, a quadfrequency enchanting vocal modulator can target up to four creatures.

Enchanting vocal modulator, monofrequency1125400ThroatARM p.91
Enchanting vocal modulator, quadfrequency17225000ThroatARM p.91

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