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Player > Augmentations > Species Grafts > Psychic Shunt Graft

Psychic Shunt Graft

Starfinder Alien Archive 4 p.146

Level: 8
Price: 9000
System: Brain

As two coherent souls bonded as one, shakaltas can suppress certain effects by diverting them to the non-dominant soul. With an arcane contrivance in your brain (or similar organ), you can accomplish a similar feat. Once per day as a reaction when you fail a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, you can divert the effect into the recesses of your mind. You are unaffected by the effect, but for the duration of that effect, you have the offtarget condition and take a –2 penalty to skill checks. However, spells can still be cast on you to remove the mind-affecting effect.

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