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Player > Equipment > Companions > Creature List > Supenga Pup

Supenga Pup LEVELS 2-8

Starfinder Alien Archive 4 p.121

Small plant
Senses blindsense (vibration) 30 ft., low-light vision
Good Save Fort; Bad Save Ref, Will
Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee Attack bite (P) or tail (B)
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Ability Modifiers Str, Con

Special Abilities

Epicuticular Enzyme (Ex, 5th Level) When a supenga pup damages a creature with its bite attack, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + the supenga pup's level) or be staggered for 1 round.
Spinning Charge (Ex) A supenga pup can curl into a ball and launch itself at enemies. When performing this special charge, the supenga pup ignores the charge penalties, must use its tail to perform the charge's melee attack, and increases the attack's damage by an amount equal to its level. After resolving a spinning charge, the supenga is staggered until the end of its next turn unless it succeeds at a Fortitude saving through (DC = 10 + 1/2 the supenga pup's level).


Although fierce, supengas raised from a young age with consistent care can form strong bonds. Pups grown from cuttings mature more slowly but act less aggressively compared to their wild-born counterparts. Sometimes, a slain supenga can regrow through careful nurturing of a cutting, which results in a clone that retains much of the original creature's memories.

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