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Player > Items > Hybrid > Dust goggles
Starfinder Adventure Path #05: The Thirteenth Gate (Dead Suns 5 of 6) p.43
Level: 1
Price: 120
Bulk: —
These goggles of smoked glass are used by membrane
ghibranis of Elytrio to protect their eyes during the frequent
dust storms in the wastes of their ravaged planet. When you
wear a pair of dust goggles, the penalty to Perception checks
from storms is removed and your visibility range isn’t reduced
(see Weather on page 398 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook).
In addition, you reduce your miss chance due to concealment
from smoke and fog (including that produced by a smoke
grenade or an effect such as fog cloud) by 10% (to a minimum
of 0%); this reduction doesn’t stack with any other ability that
reduces miss chance due to concealment.
Dust goggles can also be installed in armor (or an android’s
armor upgrade slot) as an armor upgrade. This has no effect
on weight or cost, but when installed in this way, they do not
count toward a character’s limit of two worn magic or hybrid
items at once.
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