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Player > Items > Magic > Elemental gem, mk 6

Elemental gem, mk 6

Starfinder Armory p.112

Level: 18
Price: 49000
Bulk: L

Each elemental gem contains one elemental from a specific elemental plane. The gem's color indicates the sort of elemental contained within—air gems are transparent, earth gems are brown, fire gems are orange, and water gems are blue. As a standard action, you can crush the gem, destroying it. The contained elemental then appears as if you had cast a summon creature spell (Alien Archive 144) of a level and caster level according to the gem's type.

6th-level summon creature, caster level 18th

Elemental gem, mk 13250LARM p.112
Elemental gem, mk 26650LARM p.112
Elemental gem, mk 392000LARM p.112
Elemental gem, mk 4125000LARM p.112
Elemental gem, mk 51516000LARM p.112

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