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Player > Items > Magic > Energy-relay gloves

Energy-relay gloves (Worn)

Starfinder Armory p.112

Level: 6
Price: 4250
Bulk: L

Warriors across the Pact Worlds commission these gloves to gain versatility in the type of damage they deal. A set of energy-relay gloves is permanently configured to one damage type selected from among acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The gloves count as a worn magic item unless you install them in armor, taking up one upgrade slot.
If you hit with a weapon attack while wearing energyrelay gloves and deal additional damage, you can convert that additional damage to the gloves' type. The gloves can convert additional damage from a class feature, a feat, and the additional damage dealt on critical hit, but they can't convert additional damage from equipment, changes to a weapon's damage dice, or spells. Using the gloves doesn't change whether the attack targets EAC or KAC.

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