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Intoxicant, minor

Starfinder Core Rulebook p.233

Price: 1
Bulk: L

Table 7–36: Food and Drinks shows the price and bulk of a single serving of an intoxicating beverage or inhaled substance, which in the Pact Worlds is most often alcohol or tobacco. An intoxicant’s potency can be minor or superior. A minor intoxicant might be beer or wine, which takes a few servings to cause any physiological effects. A superior intoxicant is usually a strong spirit, such as whiskey, that can start producing effects after a single serving. Unlike drugs, intoxicants are usually not addictive, although a GM might rule that a PC who partakes of too much of an intoxicant on a regular basis might begin to suffer the effects of an addictive drug (as described in Afflictions on page 417).

Intoxicant, superior10+LCRB p.233

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