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Lodgings, effciency

Starfinder Core Rulebook p.234

Price: 3 per night

An efficiency is a small living quarters designed for one or two people, normally no bigger than 250–300 square feet. Beds fold down from the walls and may serve double duty as sofas. A restroom and shower are common, as is a minimal kitchen.

Lodging prices are given per night, but paying for longer periods in advance can reduce this price. In general, you can find accommodations at half to one-quarter the listed price if you book in advance and pay for them in 30-day blocks. Most lodgings are designed for Medium or Small creatures able to survive in the local environment; prices for unusually large tenants or those in need of special atmosphere or gravity conditions run up to 10 times as much. Most lodgings have free access to unsecured sections of the local infosphere and basic entertainment options.

Lodgings, sleep pod1 per nightCRB p.234
Lodgings, suite 1-2 beds5 per night per bedCRB p.234
Lodgings, suite 3-4 beds10 per night per bedCRB p.234

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