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Player > Items > Technological > Alert redirector

Alert redirector

Starfinder Armory p.98

Level: 3
Price: 1450
Capacity: 20; Usage: 1/hour

The alert redirector consists of a metallic transmitter the size of a coin and a battery-powered receiver normally kept somewhere discreet on your body, such as in a pocket or on an arm strap under your clothing. As a standard action, you can attach the transmitter to a technological item that provides an alert or alarm when used, such as a radiation badge (Starfinder Pact Worlds 198). Once the transmitter is attached, the item it is attached to doesn't produce its usual alert or alarm; instead, the alert redirector's receiver vibrates, warms slightly, or otherwise inaudibly alerts you as long as it is within 500 feet of the activated transmitter. Others relying on the item might consider an area safe, for example, while you know otherwise. Detecting a transmitter attached to an item normally requires a successful DC 20 Perception check, but the DC might be lower or higher based on the size of the item to which the transmitter is attached.

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