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Player > Items > Technological > Beacon Bouys

Beacon Bouys

Starfinder Adventure Path #36: Professional Courtesy (Fly Free or Die 3 of 6) p.50

Level: 3
Price: 1250
Bulk: 1
Capacity: 10; Usage: 1/day

Beacon buoys are tiny, specialized flotation devices, each of which can self-adjust to float in place in water of any density. You can deploy a single beacon buoy as a move action, and each is automatically paired with a simple application that can be installed on most comm units and datapads. To deploy a buoy so that its data proves useful, it must have sufficient space by being at least 1 mile from any other buoy you've deployed. When you have at least 2 buoys deployed with sufficient space, you can use their relational-data feed to give you a circumstance bonus to Piloting checks to navigate in a vehicle and to Survival checks to orienteer underwater. This bonus is equal to half the number of buoys you've deployed with sufficient space (to a maximum of +10).

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