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Player > Items > Technological > Grenade scrambler, mk 6

Grenade scrambler, mk 6

Starfinder Armory p.103

Level: 20
Price: 815000
Bulk: 1
Capacity: 100; Usage: 5/round

When activated as a move action, this unit emits a wireless signal that interferes with the detonation sequence of grenades within 30 feet. Grenades that would successfully land at an intersection in the area have a 50% chance to miss, and any grenade that targets an intersection in the area and misses lands 1d6 squares away (instead of 1d4). A grenade scrambler affects only grenades whose item level is equal to or lower than its own level. If an affected grenade's level is at least 5 levels lower than the grenade scrambler's, it automatically misses.

Affects grenades with an item level of 20 or lower. Affected grenades with an item level of 15 or lower automatically miss.

Grenade scrambler, mk 112501205/roundARM p.103
Grenade scrambler, mk 2421001405/roundARM p.103
Grenade scrambler, mk 3893001405/roundARM p.103
Grenade scrambler, mk 412350001405/roundARM p.103
Grenade scrambler, mk 51616500011005/roundARM p.103

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