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Player > Items > Technological > Medical inhaler

Medical inhaler

Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual p.129

Level: 1
Price: 10
Hands: 1

This handheld device stores and delivers an aerosolized drug into the user’s respiratory system, most often to relieve inflammation caused by toxins or overexertion. As a full action, you can load or swap out a serum or liquid medicine into the inhaler, and you can activate the inhaler as a standard action to consume the contents.
Each medical inhaler contains a single dose of respiratory medication (often a specialized steroid) when purchased. When consumed during an inhaled affliction’s onset period, this medication grants you a +1 resistance bonus to your next saving throw against the affliction’s ongoing effects. If you consume it while you have the fatigued or exhausted condition, reduce those conditions’ penalties to initiative checks and Strength- and Dexterity-based skill and ability checks by 1 for 1d6 minutes. Replacement doses of this medication cost 5 credits.

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