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Player > Items > Technological > Restraints, manacles

Restraints, manacles

Starfinder Core Rulebook p.221

Level: 4
Price: 350
Bulk: 1

Binders are simple, single-use, resin-cord restraints that can be placed only on helpless, pinned, or willing creatures (a standard action). A pair of binders immobilizes two limbs of your choice. A creature can escape binders with a successful Acrobatics check (DC = 20 + 1-1/2 × your level).
Manacles are reusable wrist restraints made of hardened metal or ceramics and keyed to open with a security chip, code, or voice command (determined when they are manufactured). Manacles can be placed only on helpless, pinned, or willing creatures (a standard action). Manacles prevent two arms from holding or using any object. A creature can escape manacles with a successful DC 30 Acrobatics check.

Restraints, binders15CRB p.221

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