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Player > Items > Technological > Swarmproof bangles, advanced

Swarmproof bangles, advanced

Starfinder Armory p.108

Level: 7
Price: 6500
Capacity: 40; Usage: 1/minute

These matching anklets and bracelets are light and comfortable and come in many fashionable styles. When activated, they produce a broad-spectrum field around your body that repels vermin, making it difficult for Diminutive and Fine vermin to make physical contact with you.

Advanced swarmproof bangles generate a more precise modulating field that impedes more than just vermin. You are not entangled when using advanced swarmproof bangles, and you have DR 10/— against the swarm attack of Fine creatures and DR 5/— against the swarm attack of Diminutive creatures. You also gain a +4 bonus to your AC against attacks by nanites or nanobots, such as those created by the inject nanobots spells.

Swarmproof bangles, basic2900201/minuteARM p.108

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