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Player > Items > Vehicle > Hogback


Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual p.63

Level: 3
Price: 4100
Type: Large land vehicle (5 ft. wide, 10 ft. long, 3 ft. high)
Speed: 30 ft., full 550 ft., 60 mph
EAC: 13; KAC: 14; Cover: none
HP: 24 (12); Hardness: 4
Attack (Collision) 5d4 B (DC 12)
Attack pulse staccato rifle (1d10 So; critical deafen)
Modifiers: +3 Piloting, –1 attack (–3 at full speed)
System: planetary comm unit; Passenger: 1


The hogback is a rough-riding, battle-ready motorcycle that has been heavily modified to sprint across loose dirt, rocks, and sand. Though exact make and model vary, all hogbacks are agile and lightweight sprinters boasting deafening bass engines, enhanced suspensions, and robust gripping tires.

Planetary comm unit

A personal comm unit is pocket-sized device that combines a minor portable computer (treat as a tier-0 computer with no upgrades or modules) and a cellular communication device, allowing wireless communication with other comm units in both audio- and text-based formats at planetary range (see page 272).

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