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Player > Weapon > Accessories > Bipod, light

Bipod, light

Starfinder Armory p.58

Level: 1
Price: 350
Weapon Type: Railed weapon

A bipod is a set of sturdy legs attached to a railed weapon's bottom rail. You can extend or collapse a bipod as a move action. Also as a move action, you can stabilize your weapon by resting an extended bipod on a solid surface or using the bipod as a forward grip. When you fire the stabilized weapon, reduce the total penalty you take for making a full attack and due to range according to the bipod's type. You can't benefit from a bipod if your weapon is mounted to a gunner harness (see page 60) or powered armor.

A light bipod can be added only to a longarm or sniper weapon. Reduce your total penalty by 1.

NameLevelPriceBulkCapacityUsageWeapon TypeSource
Bipod, heavy2700L0Railed weaponARM p.58

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