The Hidden Truth

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Player > Starships > Manufacturers > Tetrad


Starfinder Starship Operations Manual p.67

This massive consortium on Cyrune provides mysterious trading vessels to witchwyrds. These ships seem to waver on the edge of reality, and witchwyrd mastery of planar technology (page 11) allows these vessels to slip between the planes as easily as they enter the Drift. Tetrad viciously defends this technology, lest it be stolen.
Any non-witchwyrd crew or mercenaries who serve aboard a Tetrad vessel are bound by strict contracts that govern their speech and behavior. Those who violate these contracts can be fined or jailed but more often find themselves targeted by bounty hunters or assassins. Some ex-employees find themselves in trouble with witchwyrds after fulfilling their contracts, discovering too late that they broke some hidden clause buried deep within their employment agreement.


Tetrad Caravel6Medium transportAA1 p.123

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