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Player > Starships > Other > Weapon > Prismatic Beam

Prismatic Beam

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual p.19

Range: Long (20-Hexes)
Speed (In Hexes):
Damage: 2d8 × 10
PCU: 60
Cost (In BP): 55
Special Properties: Line, mystical

Direct-fire Weapons

Direct-fire weapons fire projectiles or beams at amazing speed, targeting the opposing vessel’s AC.


A weapon with this special property fires a beam in a straight line that can pierce through multiple targets. The gunner attempts a single gunnery check and compares the result to the AC of all ships in a line originating from her starship and extending to the weapon’s range increment. Roll the weapon’s damage once and apply it to each target with an AC equal to or lower than the gunner’s result, starting with the closest. If any of that damage is negated due to a ship’s Damage Threshold, the beam is stopped and the attack doesn’t deal damage to targets farther away.


When attempting a gunnery check with a mystical weapon, which is a hybrid device, a gunner can use their ranks in Mysticism in place of either their base attack bonus or ranks in Piloting, and their Wisdom modifier in place of their Dexterity modifier.

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