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Player > Starships > Other > Weapon > Quantum Missile Pod

Quantum Missile Pod

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual p.19

Range: Long (20-Hexes)
Speed (In Hexes): 12
Damage: 2d8 × 10
PCU: 0
Cost (In BP): 35
Special Properties: Limited fire 3, pod, quantum

Tracking Weapons

Tracking weapons’ projectiles are slower and must home in using a target’s TL. A tracking weapon’s projectile has a listed speed; once fired, it moves that number of hexes toward its target. Each subsequent round during the gunnery phase, it must succeed at a gunnery check against the target’s TL to continue to move its speed toward its target. On a failure, the projectile is lost. If the projectile reaches the target’s hex, it deals the listed damage.

Limited Fire

A weapon with this special property can fire only the listed number of times in a starship combat encounter before it requires a brief period of time (10 minutes outside of starship combat) to recharge and rebuild the weapon’s inherent ammunition. A weapon with this special property is often a tracking weapon.


A pod weapon is mounted to a starship’s exterior and includes its own power supply, making its PCU cost negligible. A pod weapon does not require a weapon mount but must nonetheless be installed on a specific quadrant. Pod weapons are too unwieldy to mount on a turret, and a starship can mount only a single pod weapon on each quadrant. Any starship can support light pod weapons, whereas a starship must be Medium or Huge to support heavy or capital pod weapons, respectively.
Pod weapons are fragile due to their exposed nature. If a starship’s hull takes damage, any pod weapons in the damaged quadrant gain the wrecked critical damage condition. If a starship takes critical damage to a weapons array that contains a pod weapon, any pod weapons in that quadrant are destroyed, and any ammunition the pod weapon contains explodes, dealing additional damage to the starship equal to the pod weapon’s minimum damage multiplied by its remaining number of limited fire uses.


Once a gunner fires a quantum weapon, he can reroll one gunnery check for that weapon after its launch if the result would be a miss. Only tracking weapons have this special property.

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