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Player > Starships > Other > Weapon > Warp Puck Launcher

Warp Puck Launcher

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual p.18

Speed (In Hexes):
Damage: Special
PCU: 5
Cost (In BP): 10
Special Properties: Limited fire 3, mine (1), transposition (1)

ECM Modules

Electronic countermeasure (ECM) modules are a type of powerful instrument designed to foil an enemy starship’s sensors, impair a starship’s systems, and in some cases alter the battlefield itself. ECM modules must be installed on weapon mounts, but they are activated by a science officer during the gunnery phase. ECM modules follow the same rules for range and quadrant targeting as conventional starship weapons.
When activating an ECM module, a science officer attempts a special gunnery check, adding their ranks in the Computers skill but adding neither their base attack bonus nor their ranks in the Piloting skill, and adding their Intelligence modifier in place of their Dexterity modifier; an NPC officer typically has a gunnery modifier equal to that of the gunner’s gunnery modifier. Compare the result of this gunnery check to the target’s Target Lock (TL). If the result equals or exceeds the target’s TL, the science officer hits and applies the ECM module’s effects. Due to the interference created by shields, starships with functioning shields in the targeted quadrant gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their TL against ECM modules. ECM modules do not deal critical damage.

Limited Fire

A weapon with this special property can fire only the listed number of times in a starship combat encounter before it requires a brief period of time (10 minutes outside of starship combat) to recharge and rebuild the weapon’s inherent ammunition. A weapon with this special property is often a tracking weapon.


A weapon with this special property (referred to as the launcher) can be mounted only in a starship’s aft quadrant and can be activated only using the lay mines gunner crew action during the helm phase. A launcher cannot be activated using the fire at will, shoot, broadside, or precise targeting crew actions. Launchers are typically tracking weapons with the limited fire special property, and each time one is activated, it spreads the indicated number of mines over an equal number of hexes along the starship’s flight path. A deployed mine has an AC and TL equal to 12 + the launching starship’s tier, and each mine has 1 Hull Point. A mine’s effective speed is 4 when targeted by point weapons.
Anytime a starship exits a hex adjacent to a mine, the gunner who placed the mine attempts an immediate gunnery check against the triggering starship’s TL. If they succeed, the mine deals its listed damage and effects to the starship’s aft quadrant, after which the mine is destroyed. If a starship would enter a hex containing a mine, the gunner who placed the mine instead attempts an immediate gunnery check as above but with a +2 circumstance bonus against the triggering starship’s TL, and any damage is dealt to the starship’s forward quadrant. If a mine’s gunnery check fails, the mine remains in that hex, and the triggering starship can complete its movement without further risk from that mine during that phase.
Mines don’t activate until a few moments after being dispersed so as not to damage their launching starship. If a starship would trigger a mine’s attack during the same helm phase in which it was dispersed, the triggering starship gains a +4 circumstance bonus to its TL against the mine’s gunnery check.


A transposition module disperses magitech beacons attuned to its starship, enabling the ship to teleport short distances. Transposition modules typically have the mine special property and are thus mounted on the aft quadrant and disperse inanimate warp pucks in one or more hexes. However, unlike most mines, a warp puck doesn’t harm nearby starships. Instead, the launching starship’s science officer can try to teleport the starship into the puck’s hex using the recall beacon crew action. After the science officer performs this action, that warp puck is destroyed.
The maximum distance a starship can teleport by activating a warp puck depends on the starship’s size category (for this calculation, Supercolossal = 0, Colossal = 1, Gargantuan = 2, Huge = 3, etc.). A ship cannot teleport farther than a number of hexes equal to the starship’s size category multiplied by the value listed with the module’s special property.

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