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Player > Class
Your character’s class represents her field of expertise, whether she’s a battle-hardened soldier or a technomancer bending the laws of physics. Her class grants a number of abilities—these could be the result of formal training, honed talent, or even a direct connection to a god. It also determines statistics such as her Hit Points, Stamina Points, weapon and armor proficiencies, class skills and skill ranks per level, and base attack and saving throw bonuses. The following are Starfinder’s core classes.
Name | Sub Pages | Key Abilties | Description |
Biohacker | Fields of Study Theorem |
Intelligence or Wisdom | The biohacker uses complex catalysts and fringe medical knowledge to augment her allies and inhibit her foes, often using injection weapons. |
Envoy | Improvisations Expertise Talents Alternate |
Charisma | The envoy uses her personal magnetism and intelligence to help her allies and baffle her enemies, often in the service of negotiation or politics. |
Mechanic | Tricks Exocortex Drones Alternate |
Intelligence | Adept at building and modifying machinery, the mechanic has either an advanced artificial intelligence or a cutting-edge robot drone as his constant companion. |
Mystic | Connections Alternate |
Wisdom | The mystic magically channels the energy connecting all things, often through a focus on the divine or intuitive understanding of biological systems. |
Operative | Exploit Specialization Alternate |
Dexterity | The operative has the skills to complete almost any mission requiring stealth and discretion, whether it be simple espionage or messy wet work. |
Solarian | Revelations Alternate |
Charisma | The solarian contemplates and gains power from the life cycles of stars. His techniques allow him to create a weapon or suit of armor from a mote of stellar energy. |
Soldier | Styles Gear Alternate |
Strength or Dexterity | Thoroughly familiar with weapons of war, the soldier is ready to wreak havoc when force is called for, and specializes in a particular fighting style. |
Technomancer | Magic Hacks Alternate |
Intelligence | The technomancer understands the connections between technology and magic, and exploits them by bending reality to suit her needs. |
Vanguard | Aspects Disciplines |
Constitution | An expert at close combat, the vanguard has gained supernatural control over the power of entropy, and can speed, slow, or alter how energies and reactions occur. |
Witchwarper | Paradigm Shifts | Charisma | Witchwarpers are powerful spellcasters who draw their magic from alternate realities and can pull bubbles of those realities into their current space. |
Your class is the single most important factor in determining your character’s
abilities—the chassis on which everything else is constructed. At the same time,
however, each class has the potential to spawn an infinite number of characters
depending on the choices you make, both rules-wise and in terms of your personality
and the story you want to tell. An android mystic who acts as a priest of the
machine god Triune is going to feel and behave wildly differently in play than
a lashunta mystic who uses his psychic abilities as a mindreading private detective,
despite the fact that they share the same class.
The following sections describe
Starfinder’s seven core classes, with each entry containing all the information
you need to play a member of that class at any level. This introduction is designed
help to explain the format used in all class descriptions.
Each class entry begins by describing a stereotypical member of the class
and suggesting a number of ways your character might use her abilities during
an adventure. You aren’t restricted to those actions or personality traits when
you play a character of that class, and as noted above, it’s possible to create
specialized characters of the same class who are effective in very different
areas. But if you’re new to Starfinder and looking for help deciding how to
roleplay a character of a given class, start here.
Stamina Points:
At 1st level and whenever you gain a new level, you gain this number of Stamina
Points + your Constitution modifier (minimum 0 SP per level) (see page 22).
If your Constitution modifier changes later, adjust your Stamina Points for
all your levels.
Hit Points: At 1st level and whenever you
gain a new level, you gain this number of Hit Points. These are added to the
Hit Points you gain from your race at 1st level.
This entry indicates which of the six ability scores is most important for this class—that ability is your key ability score. To be most effective, you should usually make your key ability score your highest ability score. Unless otherwise noted, the saving throw DC for foes to resist your class features (if appropriate) is equal to 10 + half your class level + your key ability score modifier. This entry also notes one or two other ability scores that are important for this class but are not vital.
This entry notes the number of skill ranks you gain at each level; regardless of any penalties to this number, you always gain at least 1 skill rank per level. This entry also lists your class skills, which are those skills a member of your class is usually particularly good at—if you put at least 1 rank in a class skill, you gain a +3 bonus to skill checks with that skill.
This entry lists the armor types with which you are proficient (meaning you automatically know how to use them). See Armor Proficiency in Chapter 8: Tactical Rules for more information on how proficiency affects you.
This entry lists the weapon types in which you are proficient. See Weapon Proficiency in Chapter 8: Tactical Rules for more information on how proficiency affects you. When you reach 3rd level in that class, you also gain Weapon Specialization (as per the feat) in those weapons, which allows you to add your class level to your damage rolls with those weapons (see Weapon Specialization on page 163 for more information). Grenades, missiles, and other consumable weapons never add specialization damage, even when you’re using weapons like a cyberbow or grenade launcher.
Each of your class features is detailed in the remainder of the class description.
If a class feature ever requires a calculation or produces a numerical result
that would include a fraction, always round down unless otherwise stated. This
follows the normal rule for rounding (see page 243).
Class features may reference
different types of levels, such as character level, class level, and caster
level (if you’re a spellcaster). For a character with only one class, these
are all the same thing. If you decide to take multiple classes, when a class
feature has an effect or prerequisite based on your level, it always means your
level in that class, not your total character level (which is the sum of all
your different class levels). If a class feature or spell mentions your caster
level, that refers to your combined levels in all spellcasting classes (though
the number of spells you can cast per day and the number you know at each level
are still based on just the level of the class granting them).
Class features
usually fall into one of three categories: extraordinary abilities, spell-like
abilities, and supernatural abilities. You may gain these abilities through
one or more of a variety of means, including advanced meditative techniques,
athletic training, biological stimulants, cutting-edge technological devices,
experimental cybernetic enhancements, mysterious alien technology, or state-of-the-art
biotech. The specific source of these abilities is up to you, as a way to add
flavor to your character. Regardless of the source, these abilities are class
features and cannot be taken away from you, though they may be suppressed or
negated by other effects (see below).
Extraordinary Abilities (Ex):
Extraordinary abilities are nonmagical, despite the fact that they’re not something
just anyone can do, or even learn without extensive training. Effects or areas
that suppress or negate magic have no effect on extraordinary abilities.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Spell-like abilities are magical
abilities similar to spells. Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance
(see page 265) and do not function in areas where magic is suppressed or negated.
Spell-like abilities can be dispelled.
Supernatural Abilities (Su):
Supernatural abilities are magical but not spell-like. Supernatural abilities
are not subject to spell resistance, but they don’t function in areas where
magic is suppressed or negated. A supernatural ability’s effect cannot be dispelled.
Each class description contains a table that summarizes the various features
of the class at each level.
Class Level: This is the class
level at which your character receives the benefits listed in the line.
Attack Bonus: This is the total base attack bonus at that level, which is used
to calculate your melee and ranged attack bonuses.
Fort Save Bonus,
Ref Save Bonus, Will Save Bonus: These entries list your base save
bonus for Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saving throws at that level. You add your
Constitution modifier to Fortitude saves, your Dexterity modifier to Reflex
saves, and your Wisdom modifier to Will saves.
Class Features:
This lists the class features gained at that level, which are described in detail
later in the class description.
Spells per Day: For a class
that can cast spells, the table lists the number of spells per day you can cast
at each class level (known as your “spell slots”). You may be able to cast additional
spells based on your key ability score, as indicated in a separate table in
the class entry. If an entry is marked with a dash (—), you can’t cast spells
of that level yet.
Other Entries: If the class grants different
features that depend on your level, they are listed here. For instance, the
solarian’s armor bonus and weapon damage by level can be found under Solar Manifestation.
These abilities are described in detail later in the class description.
Following the explanation of a class’s features are four examples of ways
to build the class. These are examples of some of the choices you could make
to create a specific kind of character, designed to help you think about different
ways of playing the same class.
Theme: This is an appropriate
theme for the class build.
Ability Scores: This entry notes
which ability scores are most important for the build.
Class Choices:
Many classes offer multiple choices within certain class features (such as envoy
improvisations and mechanic tricks). These entries list some appropriate choices
for the build, ordered by the earliest level at which you can take each option.
Spells: Choices of spells that are particularly suited to the
build are listed by spell level.
Feats: Useful feats are
listed alphabetically.
Skills: These are the skills that
best complement the build.
Following the three new classes are alternate class features for the seven classes presented in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. When you first gain a class feature, you can instead select an appropriate alternate class feature. If an alternate class feature states it replaces a class feature, you are no longer considered to have the class feature it replaced. If it alters a class feature, you retain that class feature, but it functions differently, as described. Once you have chosen which version of a class feature you have, that choice can’t be changed. Alternate class features otherwise follow the general rules for class features in Chapter 4 of the Core Rulebook and the specific rules for each class.
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